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How to Shoot Better at Basketball | 6 Tips to Shoot Like Steph Curry

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How to Shoot Better at Basketball

The ability to accurately shoot a basketball is a crucial skill in the sport of Basketball, and it’s one that Stephen Curry has mastered to an exceptional degree.

His proficiency in making baskets from various distances on the court not only demonstrates his individual talent but also significantly contributes to his team’s offensive strength.

Curry’s shooting prowess is marked by his quick release, precise aim, and consistency, which have made him one of the most formidable players in the league.

His skill set not only elevates his own game but also enhances the overall dynamics of his team, making him a standout athlete in the NBA.

But comes the question, how does Curry shoot so good?

In this article we will be giving Basketball tips for beginners and experienced players here are 6 tips to shoot like Steph Curry.


   1. Less Legs

of course, you will use your legs when shooting however, when you squat your legs deep you are losing speed and increasing the difficulty to generate power in your jump shot.

Instead, when shooting think of pushing down on the floor whilst at the same time you are pushing up through the basketball, which creates a rhythm power and speed into your jump shot.

So, keep a small knee bend and keep it consistent when shooting.

   2. Start close to the basket

Start in close to the basket keep your form perfect and shoot perfect makes.

Shooting close and using good mechanics will build your shot confidence and build good shot habits.

If you can’t make the ball in perfect close to the hoop, then you have no business shooting behind the three-point line.

In the long term when you perfect the close shots you must decide in your terms of confidence when it is appropriate to begin shooting farther away and eventually work on your shot behind the three-point line.

   3. Eyes

Steph Curry maintains his gaze on the target right up until the ball leaves his hands.

As the ball arcs through the air, Curry tracks its trajectory, his head subtly tilting upwards.

This vigilant observation is likely a strategy for self-assessment. Elite shooters such as Curry gather valuable feedback by observing the flight of the ball, which helps them analyze and refine their shooting mechanics in real-time.

By doing so, they can quickly identify and correct any mistakes, ensuring that their next attempt is more likely to be successful. This constant evaluation is key to maintaining their high level of performance.

   4. Keep your elbow in

Ensuring your shooting elbow is properly aligned is a vital part of your shooting stance, and it’s a point that nearly every shooting instructor will emphasize.
When you begin the upward motion of your shot, it’s important to keep your shooting elbow close to your body. This alignment creates a direct line from the ball, through your wrist, to your elbow.
This alignment is key for maintaining accuracy and helps in directing the ball on a straight path toward the hoop.

   5. Follow through

Honing your follow-through is an essential component of your shot technique, curry utilizes this in hit form.
When releasing the ball, you should extend your fingers outward, snap your wrist, and ensure your palm ends up facing the ground.
This motion is crucial for adding the right arc to your shot and keeping it on course.

6. Don’t be afraid to miss

Embrace every shot without the fear of failure.
An invaluable piece of advice for the mental aspect of basketball is to shoot without fear of missing.
Ironically, by not fearing a missed shot, you’re likely to improve your shooting ability. Just as doubt can lower the odds of sinking a jump shot, so can fear.
The apprehension of missing can stem from various concerns, such as worrying about others’ opinions, the disappointment of letting yourself or teammates down, or the potential repercussions of a miss, like extra drills, or the sting of losing a game.
These fears might operate on a subconscious level, meaning you might not be overtly aware of them. Nevertheless, they can still have a detrimental impact on your shooting percentage.
Moreover, fear can lead to hesitation. You might find yourself reluctant to take a shot in the final quarter or pass on a potential game-winning opportunity due to the implications of a miss.
However, when you play without the dread of missing shots, you’re more likely to take shots confidently, regardless of the game’s pressure. No moment will feel too overwhelming.
Always be prepared to take the shot and strive to shed the fear of missing. When you’re mentally ready to shoot at any moment and unafraid of the outcome, your shooting is bound to improve as you relieve yourself of the unnecessary pressure.


Shooting like Steph curry is a skill that takes a lot of practices, but following these tips will definitely improve your technique.

Remember, becoming a great shooter like Stephen curry will not happen overnight. it requires a lot of practice and patience.

Work on these fundamentals and over time you’ll see vast improvement in your shooting technique.


Spreading Love and Positivity

The ability to accurately shoot a basketball is a crucial skill in the sport of Basketball, and it’s one that Stephen Curry has mastered to an exceptional degree. His proficiency in making baskets from various distances on the court not only demonstrates his individual talent but also significantly contributes to his team’s offensive strength. Curry’s shooting prowess is marked by his quick release, precise aim, and consistency, which have made him one of the most formidable players in the league. His skill set not only elevates his own game but also enhances the overall dynamics of his team, making him a standout athlete in the NBA. But comes the question, how does Curry shoot so good? In this article we
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